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Ressources pour les enseignants et les élèves du secondaire II.
Statistiques interactives concernant la Suisse.

Wolfram U
An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language
Cours interactif

Learn the Wolfram Language and modern computational thinking from Stephen Wolfram’s book with veteran Wolfram Language instructor and developer David Withoff.

Article mis en ligne le 15 août 2020

It’s free and easy to get started with open interactive courses using the Wolfram Cloud—sign in with your Wolfram ID or create one. No plan is required. Full interactive courses include short videos, video transcripts, exercises and a scratch notebook in an easy-to-use interface. Course videos feature step-by-step examples—pause anytime to try the exercises and check your results. Work on your own code in the scratch notebook and start using the Wolfram Language right away.